[cs23021] final exam notes, extended office hours, semester grades

Mikhail Nesterenko mikhail at cs.kent.edu
Thu Dec 4 22:36:42 EST 2008

CS1 students,

attached are the final exam notes that I handed out in class. I am
holding extended office hours on Sunday, 10am to 1pm. Stop by if you
have any questions regarding the final exam and your semester grades.

We will be posting your lab grades and your project grades on the web
as they become available. As usual, we'll email to the list when the
grades are updated. By Sunday morning we should have all your grades
in. Please check your grades to make sure they are properly recorded.
If there is an issue, my Sunday office hours is the last chance to
clear semester grades issues. I do not discuss them afterwords.

Thank you for attending this class. Good luck on the final.


Final exam: Monday, Dec 8, 2008, 12:45-3:00pm in MSB 121

Study Topics

* strings: declaring, comparing, accessing individual characters,
  inputting, passing as parameters/returns from functions

* structure definitions, protection against multiple inclusion and
  required preprocessor directives, assigning values to structure
  variables, passing as parameters and returning structures

* defining classes, private/public members, mutators, accessors,
  constructors, multiple constructors

* friend functions

* pointers, dereferencing and address-of operations, pointers to
  objects relationship between array names and pointers, null
  pointers, lose pointer problem

* dynamic memory allocation: dynamic and automatic variables, heap,
  new and delete operations, memory leak problem, dynamic arrays,
  dynamically allocated objects

* objects containing dynamic members: destrctor, copy constructor,
  assignment overloading

* lists: data/reference part, head/tail of the list, list traversal,
  adding a node to the list, removing a node from the list, using
  objects to store a list

* templates: reasons for using templates, templated ordinary
  functions, templated classes defining member functions of a
  templated class, type parameter

* standard template library: iterators, containers

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