[cs13001] Lab 7

Mikhail Nesterenko mikhail at cs.kent.edu
Fri Mar 7 19:14:32 EST 2014

Emmalee Fisher wrote:
> Professor Nesterenko,
> I am working on lab 7 and I'm having some trouble with the append
> function.  I know that the dollar and cent amounts are both supposed to be
> of type int, but I can't append an int to the string, or at least I think
> that is why it's giving me an error message.  So how do you add these on to
> the end of the string?

Read the hint in the assignment. The idea is to define a function that
takes the integer paramter and returns a string that spells it
out. The code in this function is very similar to the code for the
branchign lab where we spelled out a number.


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