[cs13001] sections 001-007: final grade calculus

Mikhail Nesterenko mikhail at cs.kent.edu
Thu Oct 30 12:15:11 EDT 2014

CSI students,

The grade in this course is determined as follows. The grade is
derived by totaling the number of points you received, comparing this
total with the number of points possible and deriving the percentage.

The possible number of points in this course is:

  360 = 100(midterm) + 100(final) + 130 (labs) + 30 (quizzes with worst score dropped)

Thus, a student who gets 320 total points receives  320/360 = 88% which
is a B+ grade.

The score or percentage will not be rounded up. Individual test scores
or total scores will not be curved. There will be no extra credit
assignments as all these measures are unfair for the students who get
their grades without them.


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