[CSI] some questions of final exam

Mikhail Nesterenko mikhail at cs.kent.edu
Fri Dec 9 10:26:59 EST 2016

> Hi professor I have some questions about what is purpose for pointer, what
> is purpose for copy constructor and what is purpose for overloaded
> assignment. I have search these on the internet and review PowerPoint of
> the class but I still confuse about these questions.If they are in the
> final exam, What are main point of these question?

pointer is a mechanism of accessing different memory locations using
the same variable (pointer). Also, pointers is how dynamic memory is
organized: "new" operator returns the address of a dynamic
variable. This address is stored in a pointer. Copy constructor and
overloaded assignment are to preserve the semantics of pass-by-value
and assignment operations respectively.

All this material will be on the final exam.

I discourage looking for answers on the internet: they are often
confusing, inconsistent and occasionally plain wrong. Slides alone are
insufficient for exam preparation. I suggest studying the book then
reviewing the slides and lab assignments. If something is unclear,
please come to my office hours on Monday.


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