[CSI] endl vs \n

Mikhail Nesterenko mikhail at cs.kent.edu
Sat Jun 6 17:08:08 EDT 2020

> I was wondering what is the difference between these 2 programs and where
> each one would be better in certain applications or if one is better than
> the other.

endl inserts end of line character that forces further output and
input to go to the next line. This character is "\n"

endl needs to be outside of a string.

     cout << endl;

     cout << "\n";

are equivalent. I tend to use endl when output preceeding it is not a
string and \n otherwise. For example:

     int i = 55;
     cout << i << endl;		// endl is used
     cout << "Hello, World!\n"; // \n is used

More on this on Wednesday!

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