[CSI] Mistake in introducing lab 9

Kendric Hood KHOOD5 at kent.edu
Wed Jul 15 16:08:47 EDT 2020


I (Kendric) made a mistake in the introduction of lab 9.

Lab 9 should consist of one project including the header file
battleship.hpp, testShips.cpp and your definitions for functions from
battleship.hpp in a file called battleship.cpp.
That is, lab 9 is only the tests for those functions.

Lab 10 is the actual game. One project including the header file
battleship.hpp, battleship.cpp, and game.cpp. You may (and are encouraged
to) use the same battleship.hpp, battleship.cpp as lab 9 but add the
game.cpp file.

Kendric Hood
khood5 at kent.edu
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