[Cs3] If I can build a class for students in Lab Name Roster

Mikhail Nesterenko mikhail at cs.kent.edu
Fri Mar 14 13:38:47 EDT 2014

>        I am wondering if I can build a class for students. Each object of
> the class saves one student's massage. In the main function, I will create
> a list of the class the complete the roster's requirements.
>        By doing this, we don't need to swap first and last name for
> comparison. It is easy to save and output the "courses enrolled". In the
> class, after implementing functions for basic constructions and output, we
> just need add two more function: operator< for list::sort and operator==
> for list::unique.

We have not studied it yet, but you may do it. You still have to
figure out how to print out the list of courses the student is
in. Your class-based solution would be useful there.


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