[Cs3] Grades, Concerns and Late Policy Change (Read This)

Jordan Adamek jadamek2 at kent.edu
Tue Oct 21 12:54:31 EDT 2014

Hello everyone,

Grades for Lav 7 and the Mid Term have been added your *grades.txt* files
in the Eval folder.

I also wanted to address an issue regarding late labs. At first, I am sure
many of you quickly noted that the policy was to accept the homework for
full credit until Thursday at 11:59 PM (midnight) after the *next* lab.
After then, I would take off a point until the Thurs after that, at which
point no credit would be given.

However, since then I have noticed a steadily growing number of late
submissions. This week was especially alarming: only half of you have
turned in Lab 7 as of today (5 days after the due date).

So, here is the plan:
This week, I will accept Lab 7 under the old policy.

*For Lab 8 and beyond, the policy is now as thus:*

Labs will be accepted between the lab date and *11:59 Thursday* after the
next lab (1 week and a day). After then,* no credit* will be given.

Keep in mind, this means you have *two days *now to submit* Lab 8*.

You are given a full week and a bonus day to work on these assignments; it
should be enough time. If issues with your machine or understanding of the
program are prohibiting you from completing a lab among your other duties,
please: send me an email, come to my office hours on Thursday from
9:55-11:50 AM, visit the library for a machine, etc.

I highly suggest beginning working on each lab the day after if not the day
of, so you might gauge what issues, if any, you need to work out before the
due date closes in. Do not hesitate to ask me questions tomorrow regarding
the due Labs so that you may complete them on time; it's mainly what I am
there for.

I do apologize for the abrupt change, but as a GA, I do not want to
possibly be responsible for encouraging (or at least not properly
discouraging) late homework submission practices.


Jordan Adamek
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