[Cs3] Blue text on screen in CS3

Mikhail Nesterenko mikhail at cs.kent.edu
Wed Oct 29 22:44:05 EDT 2014

> I wanted to remind you to look into the text coloring in emacs.

okay, I found out I can invert colors in putty (the terminal app I am
using for class presentations) and the text seems to be a lot more
visible on white background.

>  Also I wanted to mention model-view-controller pattern so you could
> see if it was similar to the bridge pattern.

this is so called architectural pattern: a way to build software at a
high-level of granularity, usually as a generic recommendation as to
how to write software. Architectural patterns are usually studied in
software engineering classes.  A Design Pattern, such as, Bridge, is a
lot lower-level and comes with the specific coding techniques. That
is, a design pattern provides a solution in code as to how to solve a
mid-level programming problem.


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