[Cs3] Extern question

Mikhail Nesterenko mikhail at cs.kent.edu
Mon Sep 14 21:58:58 EDT 2015

Garnica, Ramsey wrote:
> Hello Professor,
> I was looking up examples of extern and one person made an analogy
> that I was wondering if you thought was a good analogy or not.
> Everybody was comparing extern to a global variable in a header file
> and one person made the analogy that prototypes are like extern
> statements for functions.  That seems like a correct analogy to me
> so I was wondering if that is a correct way to think about externs?

It is correct in the sense that both prototypes for functions and
externs for global variables are declarations rather than definitions.

A good use of extern is this:

extern int i; // tells compiler that global variable "i" is defined somewhere

#include "header1.h"

int i=0; // declaration and even initialization of global variable "i"

#include "header1.h"

int myfunc(){

    cout << i; // usage of global variable, the compiler knows
               // about "i" from header's declaration

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