[Cs3] CS 3 UML questions

Mikhail Nesterenko mikhail at cs.kent.edu
Fri Nov 6 16:02:37 EST 2015

> I have a question on the Access Methods and Inheritance, Multiple Inheritance, Adapter Design Pattern powerpoint.
> On the last slide it is showing a UML diagram example of using an Object Adapter design pattern and it says that "Adapter uses composition to delegate requests to Adaptee".
> It uses a hollow diamond to show the the aggregation but I thought that a hollow diamond represented a shared aggregation (weak relationship) and a solid diamond represented a composite aggregation (strong relationship).

- simple line (no diamonds) is association. Stating that
  there is some kind of relation between the two classes. For example,
  one class method take the other class' objects as parameter
- hollow diamond is aggregation meaning that the agregattee is a part
  of the aggregator
- filled diamond is composition which is a stronger form of
  aggregation meaning that the the aggregatee cannot be aggregated
  by any other class. Another way they advice to think about it is
  that the lifetime of agregatee does not extend past the lifetime
  of aggregator. For example, walls do not exist without the room that
  they make up.

To me, in the adapter relation is an aggregation. I changed the
wording on the slide.


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