[Cs3] lambdas and function pointers

Mikhail Nesterenko mikhail at cs.kent.edu
Tue Oct 4 11:31:23 EDT 2016

CS3 students,

This is regrading yesterday's discussion on taking lambda's out of
defining scope. The standard is that a non-capturing lambda may be
assigned to a function pointer. That is:

// this is valid
int (*f)(int) = [](int i){return i+5;}; // note the empty capture block

Then, this function pointer may be passed to another function as a
parameter, stored in an array, etc. For example:

void func(int(*param)(int)){
     cout << param(55) << endl;

The invocation of this function with the above function pointer would


I put this together as an example here:

However, capturing lambdas cannot be assigned to function pointers
since they are accessing context variables. A replacement construct is
std::function (to be studied later). Here is an example:



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