[Cs3] Google talk on Th Oct 12, please register now

Jenya Soprunova soprunova at math.kent.edu
Wed Sep 20 10:58:41 EDT 2017

Dear all,

We will have a guest from Google giving a talk on Thursday October 12th,
3:45-4:45 pm in  MSB 228.

Here is some information about this talk:
Speaker: Maria Mandlis, Senior Software engineer (Google)
Title: "Life of a Software Engineer @ Google"
Learn about Google's hiring process, culture, job and/ internship
opportunities, and more directly from a Googler.

Important: you need to fill out an RSVP form at https://goo.gl/zf5Hw3
Please do this now!! They need to know how many people will be attending.
The speaker will be bringing Google souvenirs, which she will need to mail
here ahead of time, so she needs an estimate on how many to mail. We also
need to make sure that we reserved a room which is large enough.

Please, please, register right away! Please share this information with
your students or  whoever might be interested in attending the talk.

Let me know if you have any questions.

P.S. Many thanks to Peter Gordon for inviting the speaker and organizing
the talk.

Jenya Soprunova, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Kent State University
Office: MSB 219
Telephone: (330)672-9086
FAX: (330) 672-2209
Email: soprunova at math.kent.edu
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