[Cs3] Reminder

Mikhail Nesterenko mikhail at cs.kent.edu
Thu Jan 18 17:07:31 EST 2018

> This is a reminder that I asked you a question on Tuesday about the
> difference between writing an operator++ or operator-- overload for prefix
> vs postfix.

The postfix and prefix operator signatures are made artificially to
differ by parameters. The postfix-form has a through-away parameter that is
there just to distinguish it from the prefix-form.

MyClass& operator++();	// prefix
MyClass operator++(int); // postfix

The signatures are also usually differ by the return types since the
prefix form usually returns a reference while the posfix form a
value. However, the signatures of two different functions in C++ must
differ by something other than return type. Hence, the throwaway

> Also, this is a pretty random question, but I was wondering: how does auto
> work with pointers? Is a pointer to an auto different than using an auto?
> Like, say for whatever reason I wrote something like
> *auto a = new int(55);
> would that work? Or would the preferred way to do it be:
> *auto a = new auto("abc");
> Or do they both work?

auto a = new int(55); // works

auto (as of C++11) allows the compiler to automatically determine the
type of the variable on the basis of its initalizer. 

auto may be augmented with const or & but not with *. That is

auto &	 const auto // are allowed
auto * // is not 


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