[Cs3] CS3 Midterm Study Session

P.J. Leyden pleyden at kent.edu
Wed Feb 27 22:29:55 EST 2019

 Hello everyone,

So, with the midterm being next Thursday, I was hoping to set up a studying
session at the library to review concepts and answer each other's

I'd want as many people to come as possible so are there any times that
work really well?
I'm thinking that night is going to be the most open so maybe Wednesday
night? 6 pm to whenever? At the Fridge in the library? What do we think?

If you haven't joined the Discord, the link is below though if you'd prefer
not to join you can just email me at pleyden at kent.edu or you can just show
up at the studying session by hearing through word of mouth. Whatever works


P.J. Leyden

Student Kent State University
Computer Science Tutor/Grader
C: 330-242-1292 E: pleyden at kent.edu
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