[Cs3] Retrieving files from wasp.cs.kent.edu

Md. Islam mislam4 at kent.edu
Fri Sep 4 19:46:52 EDT 2020

CS3 students,

On Fri, Sep 4, 2020 at 12:55 PM Dustin Caudill <dcaudil4 at kent.edu> wrote:

> Hi,
> I programmed one of my labs on the wasp.cs.kent.edu server and I don't
> remember how to get files from the server to my local machine.
> If there is an easy way to transfer files from wasp.cs.kent.edu to my
> subversion folder for the class I would really appreciate it if you told me
> how to do that as well.

If you coded your lab on the server, here is how you can submit your code
to SVN from there. The steps are following:

1.  You need to do SVN checkout. command: *svn
checkout http://svn.cs.kent.edu/courses/cs44001/svn/YOURNAME
2. Checkout command will create a directory. Enter the directory. command:
3. Create a folder name lab1. Command: *mkdir lab1*
3. Copy your files to the lab1 folder. (use *cp* command)
4. Do SVN add. command: *svn add lab1*
5. Do SVN commit. command: *svn commit -m "first commit"*
6. Double check in the browser if the commit went though or not.

If you still have an issue, you can talk to Alfred or Luke during the lab
or ask me during my office hours.

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