[Cs3] final exam and post-exam consultation

Mikhail Nesterenko mikhail at cs.kent.edu
Tue May 11 21:54:57 EDT 2021

CS3 students,

I am going to be on this link from 7:30am till 10:00am tomorrow,
wednesday, May 12 (during the exam time).


In case you have problems or questions. Alfred, Tamim and I are
grading your exams in the afternoon the same day. The results will be
on blackboard. I'll email when we are done.

I am holding post-exam office hours on Thursday, May 13th 1-3pm on the
above link. Come if you have questsions about your exam. I'll be
posting your course grades to flashline afterward. I'll also email
when done.

Good luck on the final,

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