[Cs3] upcoming labs

Mikhail Nesterenko mikhail at cs.kent.edu
Wed Oct 6 11:49:09 EDT 2021

CS3 students,

I opened labs 7 and 8. With the approaching fall break, here are the

- lab 6 - it is recommended you complete this lab before the final
  since it makes you practice algorithms that will be on the exam

- section 002 (lab meeting times are on Friday, Tsung-Heng is the lab
  instructor). Lab 7 is assigned on Oct 8th. Lab 8 is also assigned
  on October 8th. There is no lab on Oct 15th due to fall break.
  Both labs: Lab 7 and Lab 8th are due on Friday, October 22nd.

- all other deadlines for all sections remain in place.


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