[Cs3] Final Exam

Mikhail Nesterenko mikhail at cs.kent.edu
Thu May 4 13:46:01 EDT 2023

> With the questions relating to design patterns (most of the exam). Will you be giving us a class and maybe a function name like example 5 of the example review or will it be completely from scratch for each design pattern with no starting class or function?

Hard to say. The questions are phrased such that the knowledge of the
entire pattern is to be displayed. That said, on the example final
questions 1, 3, 5 and 8 look a bit light. Questions 2, 5 look good.

> Secondly, I was wondering how partial credit will be given for the
> final? This would be helpful to know just incase I forget something or
> forget how to do something but know the concept behind it.

We'll do our best to grade it fairly. If you miss something, we'll
assign a partial credit. 


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