[Cs3] CS tutoring starts on Monday

Mikhail Nesterenko mikhail at cs.kent.edu
Sun Aug 27 21:58:27 EDT 2023

CS3 Students,

CS department is providing tutoring on CS courses. The tutors are
upper level undergraduate students.  The tutoring is free. No
appointment is necessary. It is online and face-to-face.

Online tutoring is on Discord. Follow this invitation link to
join the Discord server:


Once there, wait in the voice channel called "Waiting room", say
something in "Request-help" chat. The tutor will be with you shortly.

Face-to-Face tutoring is in a computer lab in MSB. It is likely going
to be MSB 243, but that is to be confirmed.

Tutoring starts on Monday, August 28. The schedule is
available here:



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