[Cs3] Exam review question

Mikhail Nesterenko mikhail at cs.kent.edu
Mon Oct 2 13:14:25 EDT 2023

> I have been working on the example midterm and I was looking through the slides and my notes to understand something. I am struggling to understand why splice() is used only for lists and not any other sequential container.
> Looking through the slides there is no information on it other than saying that splice is a specialized method for lists. Does that mean that the reason why splice is used only for lists and not any other sequential container is just because splice is a specialized method for a list?

Splice essentially takes one list and inserts in in the other by
re-arranging list pointers. Assume you have two lists: X and Y with
three elements each and iterator IT pointing to the middle of Y.

Like so:

X ---------------------------
|			     | 
 -----> X1 <--> X2 <---> X3<-

-------> Y1 <--> Y2 <---> Y3

Y.splice(IT, Y, Y.begin(), Y.end():  

Will rearrange the picture as follows:

        X1 <--> X2 <--> X3
	^               ^       
	|               |
Y	-------------   |
|		     |	|
-------> Y1 <--> Y2<-    ->Y3


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