[Cs3] running parallel STL algorithms on wasp/hornet

Mikhail Nesterenko mnestere at kent.edu
Tue Nov 26 14:18:18 EST 2024

CS3 students,

To get the examples studied today to work on wasp/hornet, you need to
switch to a newer compiler. To do that:

prompt% source /opt/rh/gcc-toolset-13/enable

After that, you can compile the examples like so:

prompt% g++ -O3 sortParallel.cpp -o sortParallel  -ltbb 

BTW, was has 8 cores so the parallelism performance gain is
significant. Here is the output I got after running the above program:

prompt% ./sortParallel
parallel sort took: 658 ms
sequential sort took: 3619 ms


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