[cs63201] Doubt in Midterm2 and in dining philosopher problem

Mikhail Nesterenko mikhail at cs.kent.edu
Thu Apr 29 21:11:43 EDT 2010

> Is it possible to use a solution to a single-computer mutual
> exclusion problem to solve DMX?

The answer for this was supposed to be that the solution to single
computer MX release on shared memory and clock which are not available
in distributed systems. Hence, DMX solutions rely on message exchanges

> The statement in dining philosopher problem : "a non eating
> philosopher defers requests for forks that are clean and satisfies
> requests for forks that are dirty" Is it because the philosopher is
> waiting for the fork to be released by the philosopher holding it.

This implies message exchanges. If a philosopher receives a request
message (from its neighbor) for a clean fork, he does not send the
form back. However, if a philosopher receives a request for a dirty
fork, he wipes the fork clean and sends it.


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