[cs63201] submission of the first project

Mikhail Nesterenko mikhail at cs.kent.edu
Tue Sep 24 18:57:29 EDT 2013

AOS students,

First project submission procedure has changed. You should submit your
projects to the following repository:


Where CS_LOGIN_NAME is the name of your CS account. The access to the
repository is protected by your CS login name and password. If you are
not sure as to what they are, contact our systems administrator Mr. Roy
Heath (rheath AT cs.kent.edu).

The repository is maintained by subversion. It can be used from both
Windows and Unix. Here are the instructions as to how to use

For Windows: http://vega.cs.kent.edu/~mikhail/classes/csi.f13/Labs/MSVS/homeInstallationInstructions.html
For Unix: http://vega.cs.kent.edu/~mikhail/classes/csi.f13/Labs/Unix/tutorial.html

Once you submitted the project, verify your submission on the web - by
using the URL of the repository above.  It is your responsibility to
ensure that your CS and your subversion account works correctly, so
try it in advance. Now is good time.

The deadline for project submission remains the same.


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