[cs13001] Shell script to submit labs (*nix)

Barton Yadlowski byadlows at kent.edu
Sun Feb 9 01:04:26 EST 2014

On an off chance that someone is not using TortoiseSVN (Linux, OS X users)
and/or would prefer to use the command-line svn client, I'd like to share
the shell script I wrote for lab submission (see 'submit_lab.sh'
attachment) for these operating systems.

Requirements: bash, svn (subversion), terminal emulator

The way to operate it is this:

1. place the Visual studio project into a directory you have access to from
your *nix machine
2. place the attached script into that directory and cd into it using your
terminal emulator
3. run the script as bash submit_lab.sh or ./submit_lab.sh (may need to
chmod +x submit_lab.sh before this)

The script will prompt you for the project name, which should match the VS
one from step 1 exactly and then for your username, to generate repository
URL. You'll be prompted for your SVN password several times by the svn
client itself.

Let me know if you find this helpful / would like to see any changes.

Best regards,
Barton Yadlowski
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