[cs13001] lab project 4

Mikhail Nesterenko mikhail at cs.kent.edu
Fri Feb 7 19:26:38 EST 2014

> The lab does not state it, but is it ok, or
> frowned upon, to add a "do while loop" with an "ask before
> iteration" to allow the user to replay as often as they like?

For the first part of Lab 4 (scientific calculator), do-while seems to
be appropriate. For the second part (guessing game), depending on how
you structure your code, either while or do-while would work.

In general, try to avoid code where you write statements (e.g. initial
input) before the loop and then duplicate them inside the loop.

For example

  cout << "input number: ";
  int i;
  cin >> i;
  while (i > 0) {
     cout << "input number";
     cin >> i;

code duplicates prompt and input and is a good candidate for
re-writing as do-while.

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