[cs23021] Subversion

Mikhail Nesterenko mikhail at cs.kent.edu
Sun Jan 29 01:40:35 EST 2012

> I want to know how to edit the files on my subversion. If I upload a
> project and then edit it later, how do I delete or replace the old one?

The proper operation is as follows. Your project files need to be
stored in the repository. Initially, you can just drag and drop the
project from the Windows Explorer to Tortoise SVN's Repo-Browser.
Later, you need to take the from the repository and store it back.  The
process of taking the files from the repository and storing them on
your local machine is called "checkout", and putting them back

Thus, before your start working on the already committed project (for
example, when you came home from the lab) you need to check out the
project. For that, start repo-browser, right click on the project and
select "checkout".

After your are done working with the project, you need to commit it
back to the repository. In the Windows Browser, right-click on the
project directory and select "SVN Commit". Remember that you need to
supply a message every time you do a new commit.

BTW, here is some information as to how to use subversion keyword to
automatically update author and last modification date of your
files. This is courtesy of John Best.


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