[Cs3] Lab 2 Grades

Jordan Adamek jadamek2 at kent.edu
Tue Sep 16 11:32:48 EDT 2014

Hello everyone,

Lab 2 grades are now visible in your EVAL/grades.txt files. Also, I wanted
to make a few small notes about grading:

- If your program causes segmentation faults/errors I will deduct quite a
few points depending on how much it precludes me from testing the program's
functionality. However, since the idea is that a perfect program submitted
late should be given more credit generally than a dysfunctional program
submitted on time, you may update/fix your submission before the next
assignment is due and I may award a point or so.

- I am still seeing a lot of programs omitting to print usage/track invalid
number of arguments, so I will make this clear what I am looking for:

User invokes:

Outputs something like:
'Program usage: ./program <input_filename>'

User invokes for a 1-argument program:
./a.out arg1 arg2 arg3

Outputs something like:

'Too many arguments given.'
'Program usage ... '

- Lastly, always make sure your program compiles on the Linux servers
(hornet/wasp). Otherwise, you may unnecessarily lose points for simple
things like typos/mismatched braces.

If you have any questions, please let me know! I will be happy to help.

Best regards,

Jordan Adamek
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