[Cs3] labs and upcoming midterm exam

Mikhail Nesterenko mnestere at kent.edu
Wed Feb 12 11:13:26 EST 2025

CS3 students,

The midterm will be held in class on Thursday, February 20ieth.

Lab 5, "associative containers" is assigned this week and is due next
week (the week of the midterm) as usual. The material of this lab is
expected to be on the midterm.

Now, during the week of Feb 16 (the midterm week) there will be no new
lab assigned, lab attendance is not mandatory for this week. The next
lab, Lab 6 will be opened and you are free to work on it. It will be
officially assigned on the week of Feb 23 (the week after midterm) and
due the week after as usual.

Thank you,

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