[cs63201] Project questions

Mikhail Nesterenko mikhail at cs.kent.edu
Wed Sep 7 23:01:42 EDT 2011

> Since the system is completely connected, are you implying that
> you'd like us to use a tree? Or can we just throw them all into an
> array and pass a massage to random array indices? And the engine
> should initiate the first process to send its message? Or should it
> keep pulling messages from the queue and keep throwing them at
> random processes?

The complete topology means that each process has a channel (can send
messages) to all other processes in the system.  The program actions
are such that each process (process zero initially, others - when they
receive a message for the first time) randomly selects a subset of
processes in the system and sends each one in this subset a
message. We assume that a process does not send a message to itself
and does not (in one action) multiple messages to the same process.


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