[msseminar] seminar topics

Mikhail Nesterenko mikhail at cs.kent.edu
Mon Oct 3 01:46:12 EDT 2011

Seminar students,

I put up a list of presentation topics for the students who contacted
me on the course's webpage. I'll try to do the scheduling of your
presentation this week.

If you have not contacted me by now about either selecting a pass/fail
option or about the topic of your presentation, half a grade will be
subtracted from your final grade. You need to give me the topic of
your presentation as soon as possible. Those, whom I asked
clarification questions, you need to answer right away.

For those students asking for a presentation topic, I suggest going to
one of our faculty's research webpages and selecting a paper to
present.  For example, a list of my papers is available here:



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