[Cs3] upcoming quiz, labs, thanksgiving break

Mikhail Nesterenko mikhail at cs.kent.edu
Wed Nov 15 10:57:41 EST 2023

CS3 students,

Several announcements:

* the 4th quiz is to be held on Tuesday, November 21. Same format as
  previous quizzes. The subjects on the quiz is what we covered since
  last quiz: Observer, Chain of Responsibility, Visitor, Composite,
  Command, Memento, Registry, Mediator and what we cover this Thursday
  as well as related material on each lecture.

* Next (thanksgiving) week. No labs are assigned, lab attendance is not
  mandatory. For Section 003 (Monday) Joseph will be in the lab and
  will answer your questions and provide help with the lab

* Lab 13 (Mediator) is taught this week. It is due in two weeks from
  the date it is assigned. Put another way, you have an extra week to
  work on a lab.

* Lab 14 (Strategy), the last lab, is posted. You are welcome to work
  on it in advance. It is going to be officially assigned the week
  after Thanksgiving and will be due in a week. 


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